League Voice

Improving gameplay through data retrieval and monitoring

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League Voice is a Google Assistant reference tool that would consolidate frequently-referenced info that's both provided by endpoints (ie. champ winrate, build order, runes) and not (ie. champ ability damage per skill rank). We provide support for many utterances with the use case of cutting out navigating to sites like op.gg and the lolwikia before or during a match.


Test Utterances:

“I’m playing mid. Who should I play?”

“What is Annie’s passive?”

“What is the cooldown on Annie’s Q?”

“Tell me about Annie”

“Annie just flashed”

“Give me an item suggestion”

“Give me some advice”

“When is Annie’s flash up?”

“Remind me to not pick into Annie.”

“Enemy team just took dragon, remind me 1 minute before”

“What champion should I play?”

“Who should I ban?”
